Saturday, November 15, 2008

More pictures

This picture was taken at my mom's birthday lunch which was in September but it is such a cute picture of all of us (minus wonderful ol' Sarah who is missing because she lives a million miles away.) haha. We had a party for my mom and dads 60th birthday. It was a ton of fun and it was awesome to have everyone there. Zach and Sarah came down and we even got a new family picture done, which if you knew how many people that is, including all the KIDS you would realize what an accomplishment it was!!
My little man is getting so big. He is almost 10 months old and wants to eat everything. You wouldn't know that by looking at him. He weighs almost 15 pounds, which is VERY little for his age but what can I say??? My kids are midgets. Well really only Noah and Warner. He is such a good baby and we are so lucky to have him.


Zach and Sarah said...

It sure feels like a million miles sometimes. How are things going?

Mom/Grammie P said...

Darling picture of all of you girls! The birthday party was great and the DVD was amazing .... not to mention the wonder book you guys did for your parents. Great job done by all of you!!!!!
Aunt Pam

Laura said...

Lindsey, I found you!!! It has been such a long time and your family is gorgeous! How are your parents? Wow, I can't believe we have lost touch, I miss you girl!